When I heard about Mary E. Lowd's Otters in Space series, I absolutely had to have her on my blog. I mean, come on, otters in space! Please! Tell us everything!
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Writing Furry Speculative Fiction

by Mary E. Lowd
My favorite books as a kid were all about talking
animals. As I got older, it got harder
to find those sorts of books. Sure,
there's the occasional piece of science-fiction with animal-like aliens or
off-beat literary novel from the point of view of an animal, but, mostly,
talking animals are seen as kid-stuff in our culture. So, when I set out to write a serious, hard
science-fiction novel featuring talking otters as the main characters... Well, I was breaking new ground as far as I
knew, and I had to make up the rules as I went along.
Since then, I've learned that there's actually a name for
the genre of fiction I was craving, and there's a whole community of readers,
writers, and publishers who've put a lot of thought into how that genre
works. I was ecstatic when I discovered
the furry genre. Finally, I wasn't
alone, writing about otters with spaceships.
There are a couple of different kinds of furry
fiction. Perhaps the most mainstream is
'the secret life of animals.' These
stories are usually set in our normal world -- talking animals co-exist with
humans who are simply unaware of the dramatic tales unfolding around them. (E.g. Watership Down by Richard Adams
and Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.)
Animals in these stories are often only slightly anthropomorphic. They can think and talk like humans, but
they're otherwise normal animals.
The other extreme of furry fiction features animals who
are so thoroughly anthropomorphized that the differences between species have
become largely aesthetic, possibly metaphorical. Foxes date bunnies; elk work in office
buildings with mice. Instead of co-existing
with humans in the normal world, these anthropomorphic animals replace humans. In this kind of fiction, the different animal
species are merely different flavors, adding texture and color to characters in
a simple short-hand. (E.g. Maus
by Art Spiegelman and Save the Day by D.J. Fahl.)
When writing speculative furry fiction, it's possible to
fall into these extremes. You could tell
the story of the first colonists on Mars from the point of view of their pet
cat. Or, the first colonists on Mars could
be cats with no explanation given for their furriness. However, I love the stories that fall
in-between, and, I like it best when those stories have an answer to the
obvious question: why can the animals
This question has been explored so much by the furry
writing community that some people feel it doesn't matter anymore, much like
the question of faster than light travel in mainstream science-fiction. How does the FTL drive work? Who cares?
It just does. However, the type
of FTL drive in a sci-fi universe determines the sorts of stories that can be
told there. Similarly, the type of
anthropomorphic animals determines a great deal about a sci-fi universe's
history and culture. So, it's worth
knowing the tropes.
The oldest trope is parallel evolution. See, those golden-furred, feline bipeds who
live in family groups with one male figurehead where the females do all the
work... Those aren't lions. They're aliens. From a different planet. They just happened to evolve to be really
similar to lions. (E.g. The Pride of
Chanur by C.J. Cherryh.) This is a great trope. It's easy to use and widely accepted.
Another answer to the question, 'why can the animals
talk?', is that they were genetically uplifted by humans. (E.g. Startide Rising and The
Uplift War by David Brin) This is my
personal favorite. Of course, it raises
its own question of 'why?' Were we
designing soldiers, slaves, or simply companions? Are they treated as equals? If so, did they have to fight for their
rights? How long did that take? Different answers to these questions lead to
wildly different universes. If we were
designing soldiers, then the talking animals are probably larger, predatory species. (E.g. Forests of the Night by S.
Andrew Swann.) If we were designing
obedient slaves, they might be dogs or a
docile species like bunnies. (E.g. Ship's
Boy by Phil Geusz.)
A final possibility is that the animals actually are
humans who have drastically modified themselves. (E.g. The Book of Lapism
by Phil Geusz.) In this case, the
species of animals will be chosen by individual characters for personal
reasons. Individuals who choose to
modify themselves so extremely are likely to be rich, eccentric, socially
outcast, or part of a fringe subculture.
And, of course, all of these answers can be adapted
easily to fantasy universes by substituting science with magic and scientists
with wizards.
As you can see, explanations have been developed that
will fit anthropomorphic animal characters into almost any piece of speculative
fiction. And, from fantasy to space
opera to near future hard sci-fi, most speculative fiction can benefit from the
color and texture added by a few talking animals. Besides, they're just fun to read.
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You can learn more about Mary E. Lowd by visiting her website.