Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Blog Too Many

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm very pleased with my new website. But I decided to kill its blog.

It seemed like such a good plan to have two blogs. I'm a very organized person, and I was sure I could find a specific use for Blog Number Two, separate from this one. But I was wrong. It was a blog too many.

So I replaced it with a Guestbook and a Contact page. And this Blogger blog that you're now reading is sniggering snidely (don't you think they get a personality after a while?). It knew. It just knew. It was my one and only.

But don't tell this blog that I moonlight elsewhere! You can see my latest guest post on the MuseItUp site, where I'm discussing the allure of the troublemaker in tween lit.


  1. I don't think I could do two blogs either, unless one was a group blog. Not only is it too much, but I like to be integrated. :)

  2. I hear ya, Anne. Even maintaining one blog takes a huge investment of time.

  3. One blog is a handful for me, so I'm in awe of anyone who juggles more. :) I'm sure you'd be great with two, but maybe the second one needs to make its need felt more before you take the dive. Congrats on the new site! :)


  4. Anne, I gave you an award on my blog today. Stop by.
